body height and weight

when is the right time to measure?

2 to 4 times in a year but it depends on the age and the growth rate of athletes. When the athlete is younger, his/her body experiences more changes and more testing is needed. When the athlete is older, the body experiences less changes and as a result less testing is needed.


Digital Scale with height rod/ health O meter professional scales.


To follow and analyze the process of growth and physical development of an athlete.


  • Equipment should be placed on a flat surface.

  • Measurement of the body weight and body height should be done in the morning.

  • Test is administered by a responsible person.

  • The athlete should stand in the center of the equipment and the weight should be distributed on both feet.

  • During the measurement athletes must reduce the movement.

  • During measurement the body height, athletes must stand with foot together and arms should be hanging by the side. The sight forward.

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